Since I volunteer on a lot of micro-budget films, some of which are film races with limited time allowed for gathering all the "stuff" that is needed, this is my very unsophisticated way to let filmmakers and their art departments know that, besides the fact that I really need to have a garage sale, I have a great deal of out-of-the-ordinary items available for loan when I'm attached to the project. I've also acquired a hand-full of costume items, which are also listed. In the future, I may use a "store" format for this page, but for now, please contact me well in advance if you need me to bring any of these items to the set. Thanks!
NEW ITEMS NOW LISTED: Look for the * symbol for recently added items (many more coming soon in 2021!!)
(I will accept nominal contributions for use of "consumable" items.)
Potential Props:
Antique Brass Car Horn
Baby - personally hand-crafted, very convincing, fake pregnant belly, third trimester
Baby/Toddler - baby stroller, double, side-by-side
Baby/Toddler - Graco portable crib
Baby/Toddler Items - cribs, 1 wooden, 1 steel framed
Baby/Toddler Items - toddler bed, steel framed
Baby/Toddler Items - various; exersaucer, booster chair, potty seat
Backdrop - large frame w/1 blackish drop and 1 autumn/goldish drop, HEAVY
Backgammon game - leather case
Backpacks - several kid, school, camping, military & misc. styles
Basketballs - up to 3 patriotic themed, up to 3 Army ACU digital themed
Bicycle - Schwinn Ten-Speed, red, boy style frame - great for that 70's/80's look
Bicycles - family's personal, mainly mountain or hybrid, youth to adult - please inquire for specifics
Binoculars - large, black, old ("field glasses" - Grandpa's) with tan leather case (MIA)
Blankets - many in varying size, color, quality, etc.
Boom Boxes - 1 lightweight dual cassette, 1 fat w/cd & detachable speakers
Bottles - 1 Bird Dog Blackberry Whiskey bottle with cork
Bottles - 8 fancy oil & vinegar bottles with lids
Bottles - Glass Whiskey decanter with stopper
Bouncy Balls - 2 light blue kid sized
Bowls - woodweave, set of 8 (like for pretzels in a bar scene)
Bread Box - wooden, garage-style door
Briefcase, Aluminum - black handle, detachable black strap, built-in lock with key (key might be MIA)
Cameras - non-valuable functioning vintage 50's collection
Camping Chair - very small, attached soft cooler & mini picnic set
Cane - wooden (tall person)
Card Table with 4 fabric-seated chairs (table top was damaged by little hands & sharp scissors)
Card Table with 4 brown metal folding chairs (good condition)
Catering - see "Restaurant/Catering"
Cauldron - large black plastic, 1
Cauldron - medium (14 inch) black plastic, flimsy handle
Cauldron - small black (9.5 inch) plastic, 3
Chairs - resin patio, white, a few
Changing Rooms - 1 Boy Scout Stall Style (can be staked), 1 springy-tube
Club - caveman, homemade foam+fabric (MIA)
Computer Equipment - old large CPU
Computer Equipment - old large monitor
Computer Equipment - old printers, at least 1 dot-matrix
Cookie Jars - a few vintage (or just old & odd) in storage
Coolers - various sizes and colors
Crayons - lots and lots all together
Dress Form - not really nice, leans
Easel - child's, well used, clip-on only, may not have tray
Engagement Rings - sizes 6 & 7, cubic zirconia gems on "silver"
Exercise Equipment - Ab Revolutionizer
Exercise Equipment - Adult jump rope, black (MIA)
Exercise Equipment - Dumbbells, set of 2 5lb gray
Exercise Equipment - Handled long stretch bands
Exercise Equipment - Iron Gym (doorway chin-up bar)
Exercise Equipment - KEFTY (I could get in trouble for this one, though)
Exercise Equipment - Profile 3300EC Exercise Bike
Exercise Equipment - Sharper Image Love Handler
Exercise Equipment - Ski Machine, NordicTrack, non-motorized
Exercise Equipment - Treadmill, NordicTrack EXP 1000i, motorized
Exercise Equipment - Treadmill, NordicTrack Walkfit, non-motorized
Exercise Equipment - Yoga mat, black, at least 1 (we have 2, just not sure about finding the other)
Fabric, raw (from several unstarted, unfinished and spec projects)
Fans - several table size (12"), one pedestal, 1 box (not sure about cord)
Fast food baskets - 4-6, not all the same color & slightly different sizes (maybe)
Fire Pit - outdoor, table style
Firewood holder (hearth) - brass
Fishing Poles - at least 4
Fitness Balls - 1 blue, 1 purple
Flowers, artificial - long stem roses, 1 each: red, gradient dark pink, white
Flowers, artificial - small bunch of white roses suitable for wedding bouquet
Foof Chairs (look it up) - 4' size, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow (has marker marks)
Foot Bath - electric bubbling & massaging
Gags - Value Size bottle (750 capsules) Stool Softener (MIA)
Goblets - 4 Libbey Claret 11.5 oz wine glasses (on loan)
Golf Clubs - men's right-handed, youth boy RH, youth girl RH, youth LH
Hair Dryer - Soft bonnet style, NON-functioning
Hammock - cargo net style with stand (MIA)
Hand Bags - several varied
Heater - Propane (Mr. Heat contractor series 35,000 BTU)
Ice Bucket - Blue plastic, partially transparent, handled with liner & lid
Ice Bucket - Clear acrylic, handled, with bee, butterfly & flower liner & lid
Ice Cubes - FAKE, non floating (Ashland Decorative Fillers)
Institutional - small kids classroom chairs, 8 (also a kids' classroom table, but VERY heavy)
Laundry Baskets - happen to have a lot, many similar, plus hampers
Lawn Mower - MANUAL; old-fashioned, yet modern (works, too!)
Lights - Christmas icicle strings
Lights - SAD light therapy
Luggage - various sizes, types, colors
Mats, daycare nap - at least 2, not matching
Mattress Pad - foam rubber topper, queen, slight damage
Medical - Blood Pressure Cuff; automatic battery powered, digital
Medical - Blood Pressure Cuff; manual with attached stethoscope
Medical - Crutches; aluminum (also have post-surgical shoe and a leg splint)
Medical - Elbow Support, IMAK "Pil-O-Splint" (keeps elbow stationary with arm almost straight)
Medical - Nebulizers; 1 regular, big, noisy, 1 small, quiet, travel
Medical - Stethoscope
Medical - Walker, short to medium height, TEMPORARY
Microscope - toy, pretty fakey, missing parts, might do in a pinch (MIA)
Mini Trampoline - some visible damage to the skirt
Mosquito Netting - 1 white, 1 scout green
Motorcycle - Yamaha V-Star
Musical Instruments - drum ?set,? small, electronic, toy (battery powered)
Musical Instruments - euphonium
Musical Instruments - guitar, folk, nylon string
Musical Instruments - oboe, wooden (valuable)
Musical Instruments - recorders, plastic, at least 2
Musical Instruments - trumpet
Musical Instruments - ukulele
Musical Instruments - viola, 14-inch
Musical Instruments - violin case, empty, deteriorating
Musical Instruments - violin, full size
Phone - old brown office style, at least 1. various retro & office as well
Photographic Equipment - various relics, many simple 35mm (ask for specifics)
Planters - 3 half-whiskey-barrel-style wooden pots
Police - Victim Crime Scene Set (Spirit) contains 100 ft tape, outline chalk, 5 evidence markers
Punch Bowl Set - crystal
Rain Ponchos - at least 3
Restaurant/Catering - Candle Holder, Taper, Star Shaped, Glass (4)
Restaurant/Catering - Candle Holder, Tea Light, Stemmed, Glass (4)
Restaurant/Catering - Champagne Flutes (8)
Restaurant/Catering - Small Beverage Glasses (8)
Restaurant/Catering - Small Juice Glasses (8)
Restaurant/Catering - Small Pedestal Sundae Dishes (8)
Restaurant/Catering - Sugar Dispenser (pour out), Glass w/Stainless Steel Top
Restaurant/Catering - Sugar/Sweetener Packet Holder (4)
Restaurant/Catering - Table Number Card Holders (4)
Retro - 2 sets of 3 cassette tape storage drawers
Retro - vinyl record albums, very small sets of LPs and 45s
Rose Petals - fabric, red, pink & sheer pink, enough for a romantic bedroom scene (might be MIA)
Rug - Area, medium/large, country colors/patterns
Rug - throw, a handful of various
Shoe Organizer - over-door (in use)
Sleeping Bags - various styles & colors
Stop Sign - Rallye Stop Sign toy, fillable base, 33 inches tall (might be MIA)
Telescope - Meade 70AZ-AR (computer guided, mounted to tripod) (might be MIA)
Towel Warmer - electric
Tractor - Kubota lawn tractor (mower) with/without bagger, pull-behind "wheelbarrowish" trailer, pull-behind de-thatcher; winter plow/snow-thrower
Traffic cones, orange - 3 19", square base, stackable
Traffic markers, orange - pair 49", octagonal base, telescoping shape, stackable
Traffic markers, orange - pair 49", square base, reflective stripes, non-stackable
Trailer - flatbed; able to transport motorcycle, tractor, and/or just lots of stuff
TV - analog: 1 big working, 1 big VCR input only working, 1 big non-working
TV - analog: 1 small working w/built-in VCR, 1 6" combo w/clock radio
TV - 26" Dynex HD, awaiting repair (prop only)
TV Tables - set of four light oak with carrier
Vehicle - 1996 Blue Mazda MPV Sport (sport utility VAN); last model with 90-degree swinging back doors; seating for 7, first & second row captain's seats, third row bench; sun roof, luggage rack, tow bar, some rust
Vehicle - 2002 Black Honda Accord LX four-door with sun roof
Vehicle - 2004 Green Ford F150 Super Crew (4-door); coated bed & matching flat topper (which can be removed and is seasonally outfitted with 3-bike transport rack); towing brake
Vehicle - 2011 Silver Acura RDX *NEW
Vehicle - 32-foot CAMPER (pull behind) purchased in 2019, stored in Brainerd for winter - stay tuned!
Wand - Star Wand (Spirit)
Watering Can - large, green
Weapon - Bokkens, wooden, 2 adult, 2 child
Weapon - Bow Staves, 3 adult heavy and 1 adult lite
Weapon - Compound PSE Bow & 6 Arrows (use of this requires that I am the shooter)
Weapon - Foam Shield (Blast Master?), worn
Weapon - Heavy Bag (free-standing kicking bag w/fillable base
Weapon - Kammas, 2 or 3 pair
Weapon - Nerf guns, moderate arsenal
Weapon - Nunchaku, 1 black, 1 blue, 2 foam practice
Weapon - Samurai swords w/black sheath 2 short & 2 long
Weapon - Small foam targets (kick pads) 3-5
Weapon - Sword & Shield, wooden, children's, 3 sets
Animal Print Stretch Pants
Blaze Orange - hunting apparel; various items sized kid to adult
Bowling Shirt - "The Kingpins" black with aqua collar & front panel, standard
Dress - Maroon and tan checkered 40's era
Glasses - 2 pair geeky black, 1 pair geeky red (horn-rimmed?)
Glasses - ladies' & men's eyeglasses, with and without correction, variety (e.g., nerd, cat-eye, wire-rimmed, etc.)
Glasses - ladies sunglasses, modest selection including novelty "20's style"
Glasses - (Spirit) Vampire Glasses
Hairdresser Apron (bib-style) black
Hats - ladies natural straw w/pink flower; ladies white paper weave, ladies fur winter
Hats - various military and other
Helmet - motor cycle, have a few in a few sizes
Lab Coat - White, long, size 46/48
Military - several pair army BDUs, generally fitting 5'10" and about 38" waist
Robes - graduation, black (also double for judge?s) 1 fitting ~5'6", 1 fitting ~5'10"
Robes - graduation, black master's style
Scrubs - extra large Minnesota Vikings set
Scrubs - several plus size pieces & pairs (dark & light blue sets, black, red, white pants)
Taekwondo Uniforms - belts, kid through adult sizes of all colors
Taekwondo Uniforms - doboks, various child through adult sizes in white & red, 3 youth sized black; school names on the back of all tops
Taekwondo Uniforms - sparring gear, kid through adult sizes in taekwondo sport bags (hogu, helmet, gloves, pads, retired but well-used, so?.)
Tie Dye - t-shirt, adult extra large (Groovy 60's Costume)
Tie Dye - tank top, adult extra large (Groovy 60's Costume)
Wig/hairpiece - Blonde clip-in bangs
Wig/hairpiece - Brown musical wig
Wig/hairpiece - Frosted curly bun cover
Wig/hairpiece - Frosted curly hairpiece (like thick, medium ponytail)
Wig/hairpiece - Old Lady Wig, adult (silver/gray)
Special Effects/Makeup:
Blood - Bottle of Blood (Spirit), 16oz., (looks and flows like real blood)
Blood - Living Nightmare Gel Blood (Spirit) turns from liquid to solid in minutes; peels off
Blood - Spray Blood (Spirit) 2 oz.
Blood Splats (3) for window or floor
Blood - Theatrical for "Night Stalkers" (Spirit) looks, flows and thickens like real blood
Brain molds (2) - silicone, for cakes or gelatin
Fog Machine (sort of) - Mist Maker with LED (Spirit) operates with plain water
Hair Color, Temporary - Color Spray, Black
Hair Color, Temporary - Color Spray, Metallic (silver)
Hair Color, Temporary - Highlight Spray, Icy White
Hair Color, Temporary - Highlight Spray, Pale Blonde
Legs - Sally Hansen Salon Airbrush Legs Water Resistant Spray-on Perfect Legs
Skin - Ben Nye Liquid Latex
Skin - Ben Nye Wrinkle Stipple
Skin - Liquid Latex (Spirit) 16 oz.
Tealights - LED 6 pack (Spirit) orange
Tooth Blackout Camouflage (Spirit) black wax
Wound - Bullet Entry / Exit (Spirit) 2 pieces
Wound - Medium Cuts (Spirit) 3 pieces
Wound - Scar Putty (Spirit)
Wound - Spirit Injury Stack (cuts & bruises) 5 colors
Wound - Spirit "Shredded" (1 piece)
Wound - "Target Practice" (Spirit) 5 pcs.
Special Connections:
Archery - whole family shoots (shop we had connection to closed)
Ballroom Dance - I know people
Barbershop Harmony (quartets, chorus) - I know people
Martial Arts - I knew people (this could be out of date); esp. 3rd degree black belt instructor who would love to be in films (big guy who could also do stunt work; would make a great bouncer) and he also knows people of even higher caliber
Military - husband is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the MN Army National Guard; HE knows people
Photography - husband is an excellent freelance still photographer - see some of his work at (contact me)
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